Religious Organizations Greenville

Buncombe Street United Methodist Church, Child Development Center

200 Buncombe St
Greenville , SC 29601-2008
(864) 233-5050


Buncombe Street United Methodist Church, Child Development Center can be found at 200 Buncombe St . The following is offered: Religious Organizations - In Greenville there are 189 other Religious Organizations. An overview can be found here.


1 Reviews, in average 3 Stars

anonym wrote on 10-03-2014

Ok, but does not live up to hype

The staff are friendly and genuinely like kids. The facilities are clean and I do feel like the children are safe. However, the physical space of the individual rooms is very small. They also get less outside time than other schools in the area. Young kids eat lunch before 11 am and are starving when picked up after work. In addition, there is a gigantic TV in a common area and twice when picking up my 1 yr old the kids have been watching TV. This place was given extraordinary ratings and was recommended by all, and we think it must be because parents really value the religious education, of which there is plenty.


Religious Organizations
(864)233-5050 (864)-233-5050 +18642335050

Map 200 Buncombe St